Objective: To answer popular FAQs regarding exporting revisions and Change Orders.
Difficulty: Easy
In this article:
- How do I view and export the latest approved revision of a product or component?
- How do I export a Change Order?
- Why am I getting an error when extracting zipped files from Duro?
This article aims to provide you with a walkthrough on exporting revisions of products, assemblies, and components, whether they are ratified or unratified. The techniques outlined allow you to share ratified revisions with stakeholders and suppliers, even when it has pending modifications within a Change Order.
How do I view and export the latest approved revision of an assembly or component?
An "approved revision" or “ratified revision” describes changes that have received approval within a Change Order, whereas an "unapproved revision" or “unratified revision” describes proposed changes contained in a drafted (not yet submitted) or open (pending approval or rejection) Change Order.
To view and export the last approved revision by exporting the revision, follow the steps listed below:
- Navigate to a product, component, or assembly page.
- Click on the Revision History icon in the toolbar.
- Find the most recent revision and click on the line item (not on the hyperlinked Change Order) to be transported to a view of the revision.
- Click on the Export this Revision icon, located beneath View Most Recent.
- Select your Export preferences.*
- Click on Export.
The downloaded Excel file shows the latest approved revisions, excluding unratified modifications. An asterisk in the Revision column of the export indicates items with pending changes not yet formalized in a Change Order (either drafted or open).
Note: Refer to our article on Exports for more information.
How do I export a Change Order?
To view and export a specific Change Order, follow the steps listed below:
- Navigate to a product, component, or assembly page.
- Click on the Revision History icon in the toolbar.
- Click on the hyperlinked Change Order number to transport you to the Change Order page.
- Click on the Resend Change Order button to the left of the Change Order's status (i.e., Approved or Rejected) to populate the "Resend Change Order?" module. From here, proceed with either Option A or Option B:
- Option A: Add recipients to the Resend Change Order email to send them a summary of the Change Order, including the export package below.
- Option B: Resend the Change Order only to yourself. Then, download the exported package included in the email. Send only the export package to the recipients.
For more information on this process, refer to the Resend Change Order article.
If you have any questions, reach out to info@durolabs.co.
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