Objective: To learn how to export information out of Duro to external parties.
Difficulty: Easy
In this article:
Accessibility is one of Duro's top priorities. We want our customers to be able to share their data with external parties without any hiccups, system errors, or technical difficulties. With the export tool, you're able to send the latest and most up-to-date product and component information to contract manufacturers and suppliers with the push of a button.
There are three ways to navigate to Duro's export tool. You can get there from your dashboard, component or product library, or a specific component or product page.
From your dashboard
This will get you to the Export window the fastest, but it will not have any product or component information automatically attached to it.
- Log into your Duro account to get to your dashboard.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page.
- Under the Quick Access section, select the tile that reads Export BOMs and Design Files. This action will populate a blank export table.
- Now, you can continue to How to export.
From your product or component library
Follow this route if you're browsing through your library and decide to share product or component data.
- Log into your Duro account to get to your dashboard.
- In the left navigation, select either Products or Components.
- In your library table, locate the product or component whose data you want to share. Click the box directly to the left of the product or component title; the square checkbox with turn green once selected. This action unlocks the toolbar at the top of the table.
- Once the toolbar becomes active, click on the Export icon in the toolbar at the top of the table. This opens the Export Settings page.
- At this point, you can continue to How to export.
Note: This is the only method that will not automatically populate the Add Products and Components window alongside Export Settings.
From the product/component page
This way is most convenient if you're already working on a specific component or product and want to export that information directly from the individual product page or component page.
- Log into your Duro account to get to your dashboard.
- In the left navigation, select either Products or Components.
- In your library table, locate the product or component whose data you want to share. Click on the component/product to go to the page view.
- Click on the export icon in the tool bar (located in the upper right hand corner).
- At this point, you can continue on to How to export.
How to export
Once you've navigated to the Export window, you're ready to set up your data to send. Editing each field is simple and easy to do.
To alter Specifications, click on the Customize Fields hyperlink. The text will turn white when your cursor hovers over it, and it will open the Customize Your Fields window when selected.
Every product and component has a list of possible fields that can be included in the export package. Each field within the Customize Your Fields window represents a column header that will be generated in an Excel spreadsheet in the report. Choose which items you want to be included in the exported spreadsheet by selecting the square checkbox directly to the left of each. All items are automatically selected by default. When you deselect an item, it will become grayed out.
You can customize the labels themselves by editing the text in the Your Labels column. Similarly, you can opt to customize the order in which columns will appear in the exported spreadsheet. To do this, hover your cursor above the six dots located directly to the right of the checkbox. Then, click and drag the label up or down in the list of items. Click on Save once you have made your desired changes.
By default, Duro doesn't include any documents in the export as it drastically increases the size of the export package. However, you can opt to include documents by selecting Include Documents, and then clicking on the Select Document Types hyperlink directly below. This opens a module to search for files; check which files you want to include in the export. Click on Save once you have made your desired changes.
Note: Depending on the number of files included and the file size, this may increase the time it takes to export.
There are four sourcing options you can include from the export: Primary Sources, Manufacturers, Distributors, and Quotes. Selecting or deselecting these options alters your available choices under Specifications. For example, if you were to deselect Include Primary Sources here in the Sourcing section, it would grey out everything in the Specifications window that relates to primary sources. This is meant to help you conveniently select or deselect large groups of labels all at once from the exported spreadsheet.
If any of the items in the export table are assemblies, you can choose how the nested levels are represented throughout the exported spreadsheet. Your options are First Level Only and All Levels. The former will only export the product and all associated children. The latter has two options: Indented or Flattened. Indented is the default choice which expands all levels, exporting the data in a tree structure. Conversely, in a Flattened view, your data will be exported with all the levels rolled up, aggregating all the components that are listed multiple times and their respective quantities. In this viewpoint, your data will be synonymous with what is depicted in the reports page of the selected component or product, which shows the information as a flattened BOM.
Indented Assembly
Flattened Assembly
Export options
There are two ways to export your data: Download or Email. The first option will download the report directly to your desktop. This can be shared with external parties however you choose. The second option, Email, will automatically include you as the recipient but you can also add any additional people in the text box below.
Export templates are helpful if you or your team are performing several nearly identical exports and want the settings to be easily accessible. If you created export settings that work well for a certain component type, product type, or for a specific workflow, you have the option to save these settings as a template.
The export template will only be relevant to the settings within the wizard, not to the content of the information being exported. In other words, the template will only remember the settings of how you configured the export and not any data pertinent to the product or component involved. Custom specification fields, contact lists of recipients, sourcing group preferences, assembly view settings, and export type will be saved and held for future exports, greatly decreasing the time it takes to get your data prepped for sharing.
How to save as a template
Once you have selected your desired export settings, click on the Save As icon immediately to the right of the template dropdown. This will populate the Save or Modify Template module. You can either replace an existing template or create a new one.
The templates you create are private and viewable only to you as the creator of the template unless you select the option to make it “Accessible to all company account users.” Only select this option if other people in your company will find it useful.
Click Save when you are finished, and your settings will be saved as a template.
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