Objective: To explain the use case and value of each icon within the toolbar.
Difficulty: Easy
In this article:
Learn how to harness the power of the toolbar within your Duro app. Each icon within the toolbar is vital to developing your library. Knowing when and where to use each will accelerate your library's growth into the next lifecycle stage and beyond.
Located in the upper-right hand corner of both product and component pages, the toolbar contains up to nine icons that will be available to you depending on the product's or component's lifecycle stage and revision status. Each icon is explained below in order of occurrence from left to right. For icons requiring lengthier explanations with additional background information, separate articles will be hyperlinked within the coordinating section.
Pencil Icon
The Pencil icon switches the environment of a component or product from the default read-only view into the edit mode, enabling alterations to be made to the item.
The following tiles and tables can be edited through the Pencil icon:
- Component/Product Overview Tile
- Details Tile
- Specs Tile
- Document Table
- Sourcing Table
- Assembly Table
Ensure that you save your changes after making the desired edits to a component or product. Clicking on SAVE or SAVE AS REVISION will record your changes and reroute the webpage back to the read-only mode.
Component/Product Variant Icon
The Component/Product Variants icon provides a detailed view of any variants that a product or component may have. The Component/Product Variants window that populates upon clicking the icon provides the following informational fields of all variants:
- Customer Part Number (CPN)
- Name
- Revision
- Status
- Date of last update
However, if there are no variants associated with the selected product or component, there will not be any variants listed within the Component/Product Variants window.
From this module, you also have the option to add variants from your library or create a new variant. For instructions on this process, as well as supplemental information on variants, please visit our Variants article.
Duplicate a Product/Component Icon
Save time and cut down on manual data entry using the Duplicate a component/product icon, which instantaneously creates a duplicate copy of any component or product you already have within your Duro library. This icon exists solely for your convenience; if you have a component or product that is nearly identical to the original (but not a variant), this is the fastest way to create a new page. A new name, CPN, and EID value will be auto-generated to guarantee uniqueness, and the text "COPY-" will be auto-populated into the title of the duplicate, directly before the title of the original component or product. The new component or product will be placed into the same category as the original. From this point, edit the existing fields to reflect differences reflected within the duplicate.
Follow the below instructions to duplicate a component.
- Login to your Duro account.
- Navigate to a component or product page, either from your library, your dashboard or by utilizing the search bar.
- Click on the Duplicate a Component button in the top right toolbar.
- Edit all item fields to reflect the alternate data.
- Click on SAVE to record your changes.
Trash Icon
The Trash icon deletes the component or product. Please note that this is only available when the status value is in Design. You will be unable to delete the item if in Prototype, Production, or Obsolete.
After clicking on the Trash icon, you will be presented with a module confirming the action. Deleting a component or product permanently removes all data from Duro and cannot be undone. You can either click on CANCEL to exit the module or DELETE.
Where Used Icon
The Where Used icon displays the Where Used table, listing every assembly that the item is used in. For more information on how to utilize this tool, please visit our article on the Where Used Tool.
Favorites Icon
The Favorites icon tags the component or product as a "favorite," saving it to your list of favorite items. Utilize the Search Bar to easily access all favorite items by searching "is:favorite." This will return all favorite items in your library. For added simplicity, bookmark this search to avoid having to type this shortcut into the Search Bar.
Export Icon
The Export icon creates an export package with the component or product in question. For more information regarding navigation, tutorials, and templates, please visit our article on Exports.
Revision History Icon
The Revision History icon allows you to view the complete revision history for the component or product in question. For more information on how to utilize the Revision History table, compare revisions, and use the Diff Tool, please visit our article on the Revision History Table.
Change Order Icon
The Change Order icon reveals if the component or product has been modified and gives you the ability to create or edit Change Orders. If the Change Order icon is red, a change has been made since the last approved revision, and a Change Order is currently open. Clicking on the icon in this state will allow you to either revert back to a previous revision or to add to the open Change Order. A white Change Order icon signifies that there is not an open Change Order. Clicking on the icon in this state creates a new Change Order for the item. For more information, please visit our article on Change Orders.
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