Objective: Quickly find components and save your most used searches.
Difficulty: Easy
In this article you will find:
Duro's Search Bar, a powerful yet intuitive search engine, can help you quickly find the components you need from your library. Discover new search terms below to help you find information more quickly.
Search overview
The Search Bar is persistent across all pages within the app, located conveniently in the top header. As you enter a search string, the top 10 matching results will immediately appear below the Search Bar. To select a specific result, just select the row directly from the window or press the Enter key to show all results in the search page.
Basic Search
The Search Bar will search through all Product, Component, Change Order, and Release fields for matching strings to any search terms entered in the Search Bar. This will produce the largest number of possible matches.
For example, when entering the search term production, the Search Bar will return any product, component, or Change Order with the string “production” found in any name, spec, source, description, or document field.
Likewise, when entering a Customer Part Number (CPN) value 231-00082, the Search Bar will return a matching component with CPN field value equal to "231-00082" or any Change Order which includes a component with CPN value equal to "231-00082." Further, if this string was included in a description field, the Search Bar would find a match.
Advanced Search
To more efficiently narrow a search, Duro includes a list of keywords that help focus the search terms to the key field(s) specified. Using a <key>:<value> pair search term, you can quickly find a smaller set of matching results. A full list of available keys is listed in the table below.
For example, when entering the search term status:production, the Search Bar will return any product or component with a status value equal to “production.”
Likewise, when entering the search term cat:resistor, the Search Bar will return any component with a category value of "Resistor."
You can further refine the search results by combining terms in the same query. Expanding on the previous example, entering the search term cat:resistor is:modified will return any component with category equal to "Resistor" and which is marked as "Modified." Additionally, the search query category:resistor OR category:capacitor will return any component categorized as either a resistor or a capacitor.
Common search terms
The following is a list of some common search terms Duronauts can use in the Search Bar:
revision:2 status:Prototype |
Returns all products and components marked with a prototype status and revision equal to 2. |
is:modified |
Returns all products and components that have been modified (i.e. has changes that have not been revisioned through a Change Order). |
cat:ebom is:modified status:design |
Returns all products and components with a design status and have been modified. |
name:"cap cer" desc:1uf rev:3 rev:5 |
Returns all products, components, Change Orders, and releases that have a name field starting with "cap cer", have the string value "1uf" in any of its' description fields, and have a revision value of either 3 or 5. |
mpn:GRM155 status:Prototype |
Returns all products and components with a prototype status and has a source listing with a Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) starting with the string "GRM155." |
Search keys
Category | cat | < category > |
Defines the component’s category, which dictates its specs fields. |
cat:resistor cat:screw |
Category | catGroup | < category group > | Returns all components in a category group. |
catGroup:electrical catGroup:mechanical |
Change Order | in | [co,eco,mco,dco] | Return all products and components currently in an open Change Order. | in:eco |
CPN | cpn | < cpn > | A unique CPN for each individual product and component. The CPN and Part Name have a 1:1 relationship |
cpn:213-00002 cpn:342- |
Description | A more verbose description of the component. | |||
Dist Description | The description of the component as provided by the distributor. | |||
Documents | Search document titles. | |||
Distributor | dist | < string > | The name of a distributor where a physical component can be procured. | dist:digikey dist:grainger |
DPN | dpn | < string > | The part number specific to the distributor of a physical component. | dpn:EG2648-5-ND dpn:91253A031 |
EID | eid | < eid > | An optional unique External ID number for each individual product and component in your library. | eid:101A-12 eid:A2301 |
Manufacturer | mfr | < string > | The name of a manufacturer of a physical component. | mfr:Murata |
Mfr Description | The description of the component as provided by the manufacturer. | |||
Modified | is | modified | Boolean to find all components which are currently modified. | is:modified |
Modified | not | modified | Boolean to find all components which are currently not modified. | not:modified |
MPN | mpn | < string > | The part number specific to the manufacturer of a physical component. | mpn:TL6100DF160QP |
Part Name | name | < string > | A unique terse name for each individual component. The CPN and Part Name have a 1:1 relationship. | name:"RES 10k" name:"SCREW 4-40" |
Revision | rev | < 0..n, A..Z > | A ‘counter’ for each revision of a component as it’s modified over its lifetime. | rev:3 rev:B |
Status | status | [design, prototype, production] | A description of the component’s lifecycle status. | status:DESIGN status:PRODUCTION |
Favorite | is | favorite | Boolean to find all products and components that have been marked as a "favorite." | is:favorite |
Procurement | procurement | [make, buy] | The means to procure the component: make or buy. | procurement:buy |
Specs | The list of category specification fields for a component and their assigned values is separated by a comma. | |||
Type | type | Defines search type by each of the tabs in Duro: Products, Components, Change Orders, or Releases. | type:prd type:cmp type:co type:rel |
(Wildcards) |
* |
The wildcard is an advanced search technique that can be used to maximize your search results in Duro. By using any combination of * coupled with a string or integer, this will allow you to search for multiple characters in various character placements. |
Scenario 1: type:cmp 6 will output only CPNs starting with 6
Pro Tips
Save specific search terms to expedite the process of finding components and products in your library. First, navigate to the component or product you want to favorite, then click on the Favorites icon located in the toolbar.
Once this has been completed, you can search for all your favorite items by typing the following into your Search Bar.
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