Objective: To teach SolidWorks users how to use the Lightweight Mode in SolidWorks.
Difficulty: Expert
In this article:
- Resolving files
- How to enable the Lightweight Mode in Duro the Solidworks Plugin
- Setting components to Lightweight Mode
- How to disable the Lightweight Mode
- Pro Tips
The Lightweight Mode optimization for Duro’s SolidWorks plugin was designed to significantly reduce file loading times on large assemblies. It can be turned off to view shorter assemblies and reenabled specifically for larger assemblies when needed. The functionality can be activated by any user, without the necessity for administrative privileges.
Resolving files
While SolidWorks' Lightweight Mode offers significant performance advantages, the process requires deliberate sequencing. Since the Duro Plugin needs complete access to the assembly data, SolidWorks users need to resolve components prior to working with them in the Duro Plugin. This ensures accuracy and maintains compatibility with subsequent edits, simulations, or detailed drawings.
Follow the steps below to resolve files:
- To resolve a component's file, right-click it in the SolidWorks TreeView; for the entire assembly, right-click the top-level file.
- This will populate an additional options menu. Click “Set to Resolved.”
This action will prompt SolidWorks to resolve all components within it. Once a component or assembly is resolved, the component(s) will (a) be selectable in the Duro plugin tab, and (b) the feather icon will disappear, as shown below.
How to enable the Lightweight Mode in Duro the Solidworks Plugin
To enable the Lightweight Mode, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to Duro’s plugin install directory.
- Open the Duro Labs SOLIDWORKS Add-In file. The path to this file is depicted below:
- Open the text file titled “Duro SolidWorks Config.”
- Using Notepad, replace “true” with “false.”
- By default, the setting for processing lightweight files is set to “true.”
- Save and close the text file.
The plugin will maintain its original functionality, automatically processing lightweight files in the background upon loading a file when set to “true.” For larger assemblies with thousands of components, this operation can become exceedingly time-consuming. By setting the value to “false,” you can optimize performance in such scenarios.
Setting components to Lightweight Mode
After activating the mode in your system settings, ensure to close SolidWorks if it's open. Then, reopen SolidWorks to continue. Upon launching, the Duro plugin will verify the true/false value in the Duro SolidWorks Config text file as SolidWorks loads.
To use this setting, follow the steps below.
- Sign in to SolidWorks.
- Open an assembly in SolidWorks.
- Open the Duro plugin tab.
- To set a component to Lightweight Mode, click on the file icon within the Solidworks TreeView.
- Left-click to populate an additional options menu, click on the “Set to Lightweight” option.
- A feather icon will be shown on the line items that have been loaded using the Lightweight Mode. The tooltip “File is Lightweight” will be shown when hovering your cursor over the icon.
The feather icon serves as a visual cue to users, signaling that direct interactions with this file are currently disabled. The following actions are disabled for lightweight components: Pull Part Number, Release, Change Status, and the ability to use the part card. To perform any of the previously mentioned and engage with the file, users will have to resolve the file.
Note: If a file has not been resolved before enabling the lightweight mode, the feather icon will be absent across all components within the assembly.
How to disable the Lightweight Mode
SolidWorks automatically opens large assemblies in the Lightweight Mode as a default setting. To accommodate preferences for a different workflow and those who prefer not to utilize the Lightweight Mode setting, we've included a section on how to modify this default behavior.
To deactivate the Lightweight Settings mode, follow the steps below:
- Close SolidWorks if the program is open.
- Navigate back to Duro’s plugin install directory.
- Open the Duro Labs SOLIDWORKS Add-In file. The path to this file is depicted below:
- Open the text file titled “Duro SolidWorks Config.”
- Using Notepad, replace “false” with “true.”
- Save and close the text file.
Pro Tips
Several pertinent settings within SolidWorks options can enhance your experience, all of which can be accessed via the “Systems Options - Performance” module as depicted below.
Access this module by clicking the Settings icon located in your system’s toolbar, then proceed to the Performance section. Here, you can program SolidWorks to either load components in the Lightweight Mode or to ensure sub-assemblies are always fully resolved. For those working with large assemblies without employing the Lightweight Mode, make sure to check the box for “Always resolve subassemblies” to optimize performance.
Additionally, if the Lightweight Mode is not part of your current workflow, it's recommended to program your system to resolve lightweight components automatically. To do this, select “Always” from the dropdown menu for the “Resolve lightweight components” option. Integrating this setting will significantly boost your SolidWorks performance, even without the Lightweight Mode activated.
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